App Tutorials

Setting up Sonarr


  1. First login to your client area:
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2. Search for Sonarr in the application section and choose Install:

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3. Wait for it to finish installing:

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4. Open Sonarr application:

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5. Login with your credentials:

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5. Click on Settings than choose Indexers:

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6. Input any RSS torrent feed, Usenet indexers, or api key you have. If your tracker does not have an RSS feed you can create one with Jackett:

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5. Click on Profiles and adjust any of the profiles to your liking by adding and removing quality:

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6. On the quality tab you can move the sliders to change size cut offs of specific quality definitions if you like:

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7. On the connect tab you can set notifications to various applications to let you know when Sonarr has downloaded a new episode:

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8. You can adjust episode naming if you with from the Media Management tab:

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9. Download client tab leave at its defaults:

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10. Click on the Series button and put a series you want to add into the search below choose the Profile you wish and click the + button to add it:

Trouble Shooting

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11. Go to your Show and ensure it is watching for whatever seasons you wish to download:

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12. It is setup to sync every 15 minutes on its own and pull new shows, if you wish to search now click the magnifier glass:

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  1. Search for Sonarr under applications and click Reinstall:

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2. Chose Remove Config:

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